
Configuration flags

All the command-line tools support a set of common configuration flags, defined in Use --help with any of them to see the full list.

The following general flags can be passed as command-line arguments to either mrq-worker,mrq-run, or mrq-dashboard:

  • --trace_greenlets: Collect stats about each greenlet execution time and switches. Defaults to false.
  • --trace_memory: Collect stats about memory for each task. Incompatible with --greenlets > 1. Defaults to false.
  • --trace_io: Collect stats about all I/O operations. Defaults to true.
  • --print_mongodb: Print all MongoDB requests. Defaults to false.
  • --trace_memory_type: Create a .png object graph in trace_memory_output_dir with a random object of this type.
  • --trace_memory_output_dir: Directory where to output .pngs with object graphs. Defaults to folder memory_traces.
  • --profile: Run profiling on the whole worker. Defaults to false.
  • --mongodb_jobs, --mongodb: MongoDB URI for the jobs, scheduled_jobs & workers database. Defaults to mongodb://
  • --mongodb_logs :MongoDB URI for the logs database."0" will disable remote logs, "1" will use main MongoDB. Defaults to 1
  • --mongodb_logs_size: If provided, sets the log collection to capped to that amount of bytes.
  • --no_mongodb_ensure_indexes: If provided, skip the creation of MongoDB indexes at worker startup.
  • --redis: Redis URI. Defaults to redis://
  • --redis_prefix: Redis key prefix. Defaults to "mrq".
  • --redis_max_connections: Redis max connection pool size. Defaults to 1000.
  • --redis_timeout: Redis connection pool timeout to wait for an available connection. Defaults to 30.
  • --name: Specify a different name.
  • --quiet: Don't output task logs. Defaults to false.
  • --config, -c: Path of a config file.
  • --worker_class: Path to a custom worker class. Defaults to "mrq.worker.Worker".
  • --version, -v: Prints current MRQ version. Defaults to false.
  • --no_import_patch: Skips patching import to fix gevent bug #108. Defaults to false.
  • --add_network_latency: Adds random latency to the network calls, zero to N seconds. Can be a range (1-2)'). Defaults to 0.
  • --default_job_result_ttl: Seconds the results are kept in MongoDB when status is success. Defaults to 604800 seconds which is 7 days.
  • --default_job_abort_ttl: Seconds the tasks are kept in MongoDB when status is abort. Defaults to 86400 seconds which is 1 day.
  • --default_job_cancel_ttl: Seconds the tasks are kept in MongoDB when status is cancel. Defaults to 86400 seconds which is 1 day.
  • --default_job_timeout: In seconds, delay before interrupting the job. Defaults to 3600 seconds which is 1 hour.
  • --default_job_max_retries: Set the status to "maxretries" after retrying that many times. Defaults to 3 seconds.
  • --default_job_retry_delay: Seconds before a job in retry status is requeued again. Defaults to 3 seconds.
  • --use_large_job_ids: Do not use compacted job IDs in Redis. For compatibility with 0.1.x only. Defaults to false.


mrq-worker starts a new worker and takes one argument list:

  • queues: The queues to listen on.Defaults to default , which will listen on all queues.

You can pass additional configuration flags:

  • --max_jobs: Gevent:max number of jobs to do before quitting. Use as a workaround for memory leaks in your tasks. Defaults to 0
  • --max_memory: Max memory (in Mb) after which the process will be shut down. Use with --processes [1-N] to have supervisord automatically respawn the worker when this happens. Defaults to 1
  • --grenlets, --gevent, --g: Max number of greenlets to use. Defaults to 1.
  • --processes, --p: Number of processes to launch with supervisord. Defaults to 0 (no supervisord).
  • --supervisord_template: Path of supervisord template to use. Defaults to supervisord_templates/default.conf.
  • --scheduler: Run the scheduler. Defaults to false.
  • --scheduler_interval: Seconds between scheduler checks. Defaults to 60 seconds, only ints are acceptable.
  • --report_interval: Seconds between worker reports to MongoDB. Defaults to 10 seconds, floats are acceptable too.
  • --report_file: Filepath of a json dump of the worker status. Disabled if none.
  • --subqueues_refresh_interval: Seconds between worker refreshes of the known subqueues.
  • --subqueues_delimiter: Delimiter between main queue and subqueue names.
  • --paused_queues_refresh_interval: Seconds between worker refreshes of the paused queues list.
  • --admin_port: Start an admin server on this port, if provided. Incompatible with --processes. Defaults to 0
  • --admin_ip: IP for the admin server to listen on. Use "" to allow access from outside. Defaults to
  • --local_ip: Overwrite the local IP, to be displayed in the dashboard.
  • --max_latency: Max seconds while worker may sleep waiting for a new job. Can be < 1 and a float value.
  • --dequeue_strategy: Strategy for dequeuing multiple queues. Default is sequential, to dequeue them in command-line order.

Worker concurrency

The default is to run tasks one at a time. You should obviously change this behaviour to use Gevent's full capabilities with something like:

mrq-worker --processes 3 --greenlets 10 queue-highpriority queue-default

This will start 30 greenlets over 3 UNIX processes. Each of them will run 10 jobs at the same time.

As soon as you use the --processes option (even with --processes=1) then supervisord will be used to control the processes. It is quite useful to manage long-running instances.

Simulating network latency

Sometimes it is helpful in local development to simulate an environment with higher network latency.

To do this we added a --add_network_latency=0.1 config option that will add (in this case) a random delay between 0 and 0.1 seconds to every network call.


mrq-dashboard starts the web dashboard on the default port and takes these arguments:

  • --dashboard_httpauth: HTTP Auth for the Dashboard. Format is user:pass.
  • --dashboard_queue: Default queue for dashboard actions.
  • --dashboard_port: Use this port for mrq-dashboard. Defaults to port 5555.
  • --dashboard_ip: Bind the dashboard to this IP. Default is, use to restrict access.


mrq-run runs a one-off task. If you add the --queue option that will enqueue it to be later ran by a worker.

  • taskpath: Task to run.
  • taskargs: JSON-encoded arguments, or "key value" pairs.
  • --queue: Queue the task on this queue instead of running it right away.

Typical usage is:

$ mrq-run tasks.mylib.myfile.MyTask '{"param1": 1, "param2": True}'

# Shorter syntax which casts all values as strings (equivalent to '{"param1": "1", "param2": "ok"}')
$ mrq-run tasks.mylib.myfile.MyTask param1 1 param2 ok